Charade by NDDC a national embarrassment – Nwaoboshi

Senator Peter Nwaoboshi, the Chairman, Senate Committee on Niger Delta Affairs, on Monday, denied allegations by the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC that he used 11 companies as a front to obtain contracts that he never executed.

NDDC had in a statement listed 11 companies it alleged belonged to the senator representing Delta North that were used as a front to obtain contracts which were never executed.

NDDC said the contracts which were awarded in 2016 amounted to 3.6 billion.

But Nwaoboshi in a statement signed by his Special Assistant on Legislative and Media Affairs, Luka Igbonoba described the allegations as an embarrassment to the region.

According to him: “The charade in the past weeks by the Interim Management Committee of the Niger Delta Development Commission to blackmail a routine task of the National Assembly to perform its oversight function as stated in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has no doubt become a national embarrassment.

“More so is the uncharitable and condemnable low of smear campaigns against members of the institution, churning out blatant lies that are easily verifiable. The latest, been a press release signed by a supposed civil servant, on allegations that are completely false and unfounded.

“They listed 11 companies and ascribed ownership to Distinguished Senator Peter Nwaboshi. These are companies that he does not know nor had anything to do with. A simple search at the Corporate Affairs Commission will, at least, show both former and present directors. How do you libelously claim a man owns companies that perhaps belong to other people?

“Apparently, the officials might have generated names of companies they have probably used to siphon the peoples’ common patrimony, everyone involved must face the wrath of the law as it is expected that due diligence should precede any contract award. In any case, if the contracts were actually awarded in 2016 as alleged, the forensic audit which covers the period is expected to expose every detail surrounding these contracts and save the public from this shameless falsehood.

‘We strongly challenge NNDC to avail the public of the names of directors and shareholders of all the companies.

“For the umpteenth time, Senator Nwaoboshi once again declares that he is neither a director nor shareholder in any of the companies listed by NDDC.

“Nigerians are aware that the misleading press release is just another desperate attempt to rescue the already shredded and tattered image of Godswill Akpabio.

“Senator Nwaboshi, once again, stands on and reaffirms all he said in his last press conference as it concerns the Minister. He made it very clear and evidentially backed it up by presenting a memo written to him by Akpabio in 2017, requesting the inclusion of projects in the 2017 NDDC budget amounting to the tune of 500 million Naira.

“The fact of this request is incontrovertibly true as contained in the said memo which is in the public domain. No amount of brazen denial can subvert the documented evidence. The commission keeps indicting itself in the desperate attempt to exonerate Akpabio.”

Nwaoboshi’s aide who added in the statement that the claim that some school desks and chairs purportedly produced for NDDC were diverted and supplied to Delta state government by him is a white lie from the pit of hell, said, “The inconsistency in lies dished out by the Interim management committee of NDDC against Senator Peter Nwaoboshi easily exposes the laughable attempt to smear an innocent man. First, they alleged he was receiving 1billion Naira monthly as consultancy fee. Same NDDC admitted that the allegation is false.

“They later turned around to allege that he received 1000 contracts. When that again fell like every other, the narrative changed to 350 contracts. All of a sudden, it has all collapsed to 11 contracts. Soon, the number shall obviously come to zero. That is the ways of lies; they crumble like pack of cards.

“On this note, Senator Nwaoboshi challenges NDDC to allow for independent investigation of all contract awarded by the commission and see if findings would not show that Akpabio is the greatest beneficiary of contract awards and looter of the commission.”