Appeal Court dismisses Accord Party’s appeal in suit filed Rivers PDP

Tina Amanda

The Court of Appeal sitting in Port Harcourt has dismissed two appeals filed by Accord Party in Rivers State challenging rulings delivered by a Federal High Court.

The two rulings bothered on preliminary objection decisions, which the lower court agreed with the arguments of PDP on joinder and the name of the Party in the substantive suit.

The lead Judge, Justice Gabriel Kolawole, dismissed the appeals on the grounds that they lacked merit.

Justice Kolawole, while delivering the judgment, agreed on some grounds sought by Accord but still aligned with the rulings of the Federal High court.

Recall that on the month of October 2022, a Federal High court in Port Harcourt gave two rulings against the Accord Party in the case instituted by PDP Rivers State challenging the competency of the Party to field National and State House of Assembly candidates.

In an interview, Counsel representing PDP, Dike Udenna, said the court of Appeal decision affirms the lower court ruling that is expected to deliver judgment on the substantive suit.

“Today, the court of Appeal Port Harcourt is mixing the Accord political party and affirming the decision of Honourable Justice Pam, saying that the joinder was proper and correct. They were sued as Accord Party; in any case, if the name is not Accord A, then leave is hereby granted to PDP to amend that name from Accord Party to Accord A.

“The Appeal court held that the decision taken at the lower court was proper and the matter should continue”.

Counsel representing Accord Benjamin Chukuma said they would study the judgments and advise their clients on the next line of action.

“The court allowed that the Party as it were on the matter before the Federal High Court is not the correct name of the Party; however, the court stated that it is a misnomer that should be corrected. It was on the issue of joinder of parties; the court allowed the Party to join, so we have seen the judgement of the court, and we will study it”.