A resident raises alarm of some people trying to truncate justice for the burying alive of a newborn baby in Port Harcourt

By Tina Amanda

One Alhaji Orlu Ibrahim Nyekachi, a resident of Eagle Island, Port Harcourt, and a nominal complainant in the case of the alleged burying of a newborn baby alive by suspected ‘Yahoo’ boys in the area, has raised alarm over plans by some prominent persons in the nation trying to truncate justice.

The complainant, in an interview with our Correspondent, said he has gotten information that some prominent people in the society are putting so much effort with their resources and pressurizing the Police to release the arrested Yahoo boys suspects, who were alleged to have buried a newborn baby alive at Eagle Island, Port Harcourt.

“I am calling on the Police to keep up with the professionalism they began with in this case. They should be diligent in their job, and not yield to any pressure from powerful men in the society.

“They should do a thorough job and carry out an investigation since the child’s blood is crying for justice. I still have confidence in the Police to ensure justice is done to the child because the child is crying for justice and we all will put efforts to ensure the baby gets justice.

“On that fateful day, I was in my house, I heard so much noise outside, I came out from my house and saw men of PHALGA security watch and the Police with some boys they rounded up. I enquired what happened and when I got the story, I personally suggested we all go to the Police station for the Police to carry out an investigation.

“When we got to the Police station, we all made the statement, I made the statement at the Azikiwe Police Division at Illoabuchi Diobu, Port Harcourt. After making the statement, the case was transferred to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID), Port Harcourt, where I made another statement and am still ready to pursue the matter to its logical conclusion to see that justice is done.

“The Police should be professional by one, conducting an Autopsy on the baby to know the cause of the death, secondly also getting to know the mother of the child, and how they got the child in the first place. If anybody who claims to be the mother of the child comes up, they should also carry out an investigation on how to know if she gave birth to a child on that fateful day and what happened to the child.

“If the mother claims the child died in the hospital, the hospital should also feed us on what happened in the hospital, there should be a medical report too.

“If these people are found culpable in the course of the investigation, they should be charged to court”.

Some suspected ‘yahoo’ boys were arrested by men of PHALGA security watch and the Police for allegedly burying a newborn baby alive at Andoni waterfront Eagle Island, Port Harcourt last month.