Victoria Nyeche blames regulatory authorities for Port Harcourt building collapse

Victoria Nyeche, member representing Port Harcourt constituency II in the state house of assembly has blamed the Rivers State urban development agency for the Friday collapse of 7-storey Swizz hotel building.

The building collapsed on Friday afternoon while works were going leading to the death of at least four persons with an unknown number of persons trapped under the rubbles.

However, the House of Representatives aspirant under the ruling All Progressive Congress said that authorities saddled with regulatory responsibilities failed in their duties.

According to her “What I can infer from this collapsed building is that the materials used were compromised. The building could not withstand stresses and strains. It is obvious that a proper analysis of the strength of materials was not carried out.

“I can also infer that adequate regulations by the authorities saddled with such responsibility failed in carrying out their duties. The standard practice requires professionals to properly monitor and supervise buildings and other construction projects.

“The officials of the Rivers State Ministry of Urban Development failed in its duties before and during the construction of the building. I can infer that they did not properly regulate the construction activities at this site. Obviously, corners were cut.

“I am calling on public-spirited organizations and individuals to bring in their equipment and lend their hands in the rescue operation”

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