2023: I’ll make Niger Delta great – Amaechi

A presidential aspirant on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi, has declared that if voted as president, he would attract key developments to the Niger Delta region.

Amaechi stated this during his consultative visit to the Bayelsa State Traditional Rulers Council and party delegates in Yenagoa, the state capital, on Sunday.

In his address, he noted eradicating insecurity in Nigeria is his major priority, adding that the solution to crime was to give people responsibility and make them have their own sources of income.

According to him, “Once people have a source of income, crime will reduce. So, the solution to crime is to create jobs and create a source of revenue because if you don’t create that source of revenue for them, they would create it for themselves.

“If you don’t grow an economy that accommodates the people, that is inclusive and accommodates everybody, somebody who isn’t part of that economy will create one for himself.”

Speaking on his knowledge about the Nige Delta, Amaechi Identified land reclamation as a key factor in the development of Bayelsa State.

He further assured that he would massively reclaim land to attract development in the region.

In his remark, Chairman, Bayelsa State Council of Traditional Rulers, King Bubaraye Agada the 10th, expressed the council’s delight to receive him and assured him of their support in the forthcoming elections.