Maradona hospitalized after Nigeria vs Argentina match

Diego Maradona has been taken to hospital following Argentina’s dramatic 2-1 victory over Nigeria at the 2018 World Cup.

The 57-year-old could be seen being helped from his seat at the St Petersburg Stadium, before collapsing into a chair inside the stadium.

He was immediately attended to by Russian paramedics and was transported to a local hospital shortly afterwards.

Maradona had earlier been filmed manically celebrating Marcos Rojo’s late winning goal and swearing at supporters and was branded a “laughing stock” by BBC presenter Gary Linker.

As television cameras swung his way, seconds after the ball hit the back of Nigeria’s net, Maradona thrust middle-finger gestures with both hands.

“There’s Diego Maradona celebrating,” said Lineker. “I think he might make the papers for a different kind of celebration, there’s a danger he’s becoming a laughing stock I’m afraid.

“[He’s] let himself down with that celebration. You understand how he’s euphoric, but this kind of reaction… Really, Diego?”

Former England and Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand was also less impressed with Maradona’s antics. “His career as a football player on the pitch was up there with the best,” added pundit Rio Ferdinand.

“Unfortunately there are moments like this that do arise it’s not nice to see that let him down.”

BBC sports presenter Dan Walker wrote on Twitter: “And that’s why you don’t show Maradona no matter how good he was in his prime”

It is not the first time that Maradona has made the headlines for his antics in Russia.

He was accused of making a racist gesture by ITV presenter Jacqui Oatley while watching the 1-1 draw between Argentina and Iceland last week.

“Maradona not so cool now. Some South Korea fans just shouted “Diego” and he obliged with a smile, kiss and wave. Then pulled his eyes to the side in a clearly racist gesture. All of us who saw it are stunned,” Oatley posted on Twitter.

Maradona is widely regarded as one of the best players ever to grace the game, famous for driving Argentina to glory at Mexico 86, helped by his ‘Hand of God’ goal against England.

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