PDP Cautions APC Against Sponsoring Protests

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has cautioned the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the party’s vested interests in government circles on the dangers of sponsoring protests against the members of the National Assembly.

The party said such is capable of destroying the bedrock of Nigeria’s democracy, pitching Nigerians against one another and driving the country into anarchy.

In a statement issued by its National Publicity Secretary, Kola Ologbondiyan, the PDP said that Nigerians were shocked over revelations in which cabinet ministers and appointees of the President were alleged to have paid the protesters with a view to using them to embarrass the National Assembly on Tuesday.

The party said: “Nigerians will recall how, in April this year, hoodlums gained access into the National Assembly, invaded the hallowed chambers of the Senate and made away with the mace, while threatening our lawmakers and disrupting proceedings in the parliament.

” Members of the National Assembly are direct representatives of the people and the failure of the Federal Government to recall Senator Dino Melaye, despite the huge resources invested, speaks volume of the real position of Nigerians on the ongoing stand-off between the executive and the legislature.

“The PDP, therefore, cautions the APC and its interests in the Federal executive to end their plots against the National Assembly and direct such energies to provide good governance, which has eluded the nation in the last three years” the party said.

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