Group asks Jonathan to run for presidency

A group under the aegis of Youths Earnestly Demand for Goodluck Jonathan 2023 has called on stakeholders across the country to support the former president to run for the 2023 presidential election.

This was contained in a statement issued at the end of a two-week South-South consultation tour and jointly signed by Teddy Omiloli (National leader), Hauwa Nana Isah (national women leader) and Christopher Bidi (youth ambassador).

The group said Nigeria needs someone like Jonathan, who has a reputation as a peace ambassador, to unite the country and save it from imminent collapse.

According to them, “We Nigerian youths under the umbrella of ‘Youths Earnestly Demand for Goodluck Ebele Jonathan 2023, wishes to call on all stakeholders, youth groups in demanding Nigerians to support the great South-South son, former president Jonathan to complete the task of building Nigeria on a sound constitutional framework which he started with the constitutional conference.

“We also plead that all stakeholders, royal fathers and youths of South-South should with one voice rally together to negotiate, support, and work assiduously with other stakeholders across Nigeria for this great son of the region, Jonathan, and return him as president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2023 to complete his tenure.

“Jonathan is a father, leader, a unifier, peace builder and our hero of modern democracy in Africa.

“It’s no doubt, our dear country, Nigeria, is going through tough times and needs a leader that has grown above all divides, both political, religious and tribal divides, to foster a government of national unity as this will save the nation from further collapse.

“The support Jonathan is giving to the African continent in fostering peace in distressed African nations and his love for God, Nigeria, Africa and humanity made us consider him as the best man to take up the job of rebuilding Nigeria in 2023.”