The FIRS Head and Handlers Should Be In Prison Already!

Azubuike Ihemeje
So, let’s try to reconcile this here and now and once again remind ourselves of our common dire circumstances and lots in life as persons existing in this hugely dysfunctional, and dangerously disjointed space called Nigeria.

I know we’re already conflicted in many ways than few. But does it mean we have rouges and incorrigible criminals superintending over everything in this country? So even the man collecting and receiving our taxes doesn’t give a damn about simply issues as the laws, enabling his actions? Must we continue to fail in all fours? Must we maintain lawlessness in every single stratum of our Public Lives?
Just how much can people suffer in the hands of this organized, official criminality?

Kindly forgive my digression for it was purely born out of my righteous indignation over the reckless officialdom going on in your country.
Ok, let’s take the issues in sequence, and in the most simplistic terms;

  1. The Constitution never permitted you to collect VAT(Value Added Tax). Yet, you criminally continued to demand and receive VATs, all these years.

  2. One of the component units of the federation, kindly drew your attention to your obnoxious crime and a clear violation of the Constitution and the laws. But you vehemently refused to yield to simply reasoning and obey the simplest of your own legal regime and regulations for your operation.

  3. That Component decided to report your illegality to Court, for adjudication. The same place you usually take all your grievances and complaints of all Tax violators to. Rather than face the case, you quickly ran to the National Assembly with some proposals to amend our Constitution and Tax laws, in order to grant you powers and rights to collect VATs. And that was a clear Contempt of Court, to arm-twisted the course of justice.

  4. The Court finally gave its judgment and effectively restrained you from your lawlessness. Yet, kept ground standing, refused and continued to persevere in your illegitimate actions, even though a judgment is against you.

  5. You filed a Stay of Execution, and your prayers were roundly rejected and refused, as they obviously were ungrantable. Now, the judgment beneficiary proceeded to activate their legitimate rights in accordance with the subsisting judgment and laws of the land, as of now. Yet, against every single decency and shamelessness, you’re still singing in your mischief, and arrogantly self-grandiose, incoherent voice, like a senseless wild-beast, that has suffered terribly burnt, yet doesn’t seem to accept that all its ginger is up already.

In truth and in facts, all those behind the FIRS as of today should have been cooling off in Prison, for their serial and recalcitrant disobedience to our;

Tax Laws.
And above all, the Court, whose judgment they’ve continued to treat with disdain, and contempt.