Nigeria: Going Venezuela

John Nima

Galloping inflation…

National debt burden…

Acute and consistent Revenue shortfalls…

Impracticable budgets and funding models…

Inability to pay salaries…

Acute insecurity…

Anger of the ethnic constituents and citizens…

Underdevelopment and widespread poverty…

Government versus People in an almost declared war…

Lack of Law and Order…

Disgraceful International borrowing…

High Gini Index signifying a huge gap between the “haves and the have nots”…

Slow but steady disintegration of the country…

Police State as a response to the collapse of real government…

…and so much worse!

Dear Friends, one doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand the simple phenomena…

…that the model adopted by Nigeria is NOT working!

Sane people would look at the model, convoke a conference of eggheads, and seek ways to create a robust and endearing model. Of course, the remodelling of the country must be accompanied by a total constitutional overhaul! But what do we do in Nigeria?

We are reactive rather than proactive. We borrow from Qatar or Sudan to pay salaries…

We borrow more from Qatar or China to construct a few miserable roads if ever…

We borrow from Saudi Arabia to prosecute a suspicious Boko Haram war…

And send the DSS after good people that question the insanity masquerading as governance!

This model has collapsed, and it is highly irresponsible of those in power to keep deceiving the simpletons that all is well!

Nothing is well; Nigeria is in very deep trouble in every way conceivable! The federal and state should quit deceiving people… Nigeria is going the way of Venezuela, I assure you. And all the government and the irresponsible politicians could think of are how much they could carve the Treasury and how well they could dupe their way into office in the next sham elections! What we should be thinking of ought to be absolute constitutional reforms but again, Nigeria ain’t a country of sane people, is it?

Verily verily I say into thee; without urgent Restructuring, Nigeria shall definitely burst spectacularly! And may the Lord have mercy upon those that aid this disastrous structure when the time comes!

And that time is upon us as we speak!

Let’s stop this nonsense now; it’s the #autonomousRegions or a meltdown!