My successor will never be my choice – Udom

Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State has said that his successor will not be his choice but the choice of God, so as to avoid mistakes made by the Biblical Kings, Saul and Herod.

He disclosed this during a special thanksgiving service held to mark the retirement of the Chief Judge of the State, Justice Godwin Abraham, at The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Dominion Mega Parish, Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area of the state

“The pastor has prayed for us for a successor, I keep saying nothing but the truth any day anybody comes to you to say me Udom Emmanuel had an agreement with him know that it is a lie, I have not had an agreement with a single person and I stand here for an umpteenth time in the pulpit of our Lord Jesus Christ to say here that the man that will succeed me is never and will never be my choice.

“It can only be the choice of the Almighty God. People made Saul in the Bible to do what he wasn’t supposed to do, he said because of people I disobeyed After that God left the people that made Saul disobey and punished Saul. God will only go after the leader” he said

The Governor also stressed his commitment towards eradicating cultism in Secondary Schools in the State as he enjoined parents and guardians to join in the fight to correct the ills in the society.

He urged parents to instil morals and values in their children while being examples to them by living Christ-like lives.

”Today is the thanksgiving of my lord the Chief Judge and his entire family, that is why I sang that song ‘It pays to serve Jesus’, you heard his testimony, how he got born again…How I wish I can send him to Uyo High School to help me talk to those students that cultism is absolutely rubbish.

“I am sure in our days we didn’t hear cultism in Secondary School, but these days in Secondary Schools and if the case is not taken, Primary Schools, it is absolute rubbish and we need to kill that monster in our state, else those who are cheering it now will regret it.

“It is the task of everybody, parents and guardians to join to fight that monster. Anywhere God has a promise the devil will always drop something so that the promise will not be fulfilled, I want to believe the devil not drop that in our land”, he said.

Governor Udom commended the Chief Judge who he said made notable contributions towards the building of the State.

He also enjoined Christians to pray for the success of Nigeria as he noted that the solution of the country lies in the Church.

The retiring Chief Judge, Justice Godwin Abraham in his thanksgiving speech described his success story as an act of God.

He maintained that in the midst of challenges, he had witnessed God’s favour and interventions when it mattered most.

He also commended the Governor for his integrity and priestly roles in the state, as well as the support of the Executive and Legislature to the Judiciary in his tenure.