Midnight fire destroy properties in Delta community

No less than seven houses and properties worth millions of naira were razed in a midnight inferno at the Egbemene community in Warri waterside of Warri South-West Local Government Area, Delta State.

It was learnt that the havoc was caused as a result of candlelight which some children had put on before going to bed on Wednesday night, Punch reports.

A community source said the candlelight put up by children in a particular home in the community had razed the neighbourhood.

According to the source, the mother had left home in the evening for business, and the children put up candlelight in the night before sleeping off while the candle later fell on the carpet of the house, thus igniting the fire.

It was gathered that neighbours had rescued the children from the house as they were fast asleep whilst the fire was raging.

No life was reportedly lost in the incident; however, several houses and properties were affected.

The spokesperson for the Delta State Police Command, DSP Bright Edafe could not be reached for comments on the incident as of the time of filing this report.