SSAEAC presidential aspirants release manifestos

Tina Amanda

As the tussle for who becomes the next President of the Senior Staff Association of Electricity and Allied Companies, SSAEAC, at the 5TH TRIENNIAL NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE holding in Abuja, Friday 8th April 2022, and given the composite nature of electricity to socioeconomic development and advancement, responsible leadership in the sector becomes paramount.

To give credence to this fact, Comrade Engr. Chika Benedict and Comrade Irene Ovie, in their manifestos, have pledged to tackle poor electricity supply and bad management policies affecting Staff if elected.

Stated his manifesto during an interview with our correspondent, Comrade Engr. Chika Benedict, who is running for the SSAEAC President position said if elected, his ultimate goal will be to address and stop the issue of estimated electricity billing which he tagged as corrupt practice, describing it as robbing Peter to pay Paul.

He said that there is inconsistency somewhere in the metering system, as there is no clear cut on how metering should be.

“In my administration, I will holistically look into it and come out with a realistic solution on what needs to be done.

“If the government is not ready to fund metering, then let consumers pay a token over a period. In fact, the estimated billing system to me is corrupt. It is trying to rob Peter to pay Paul by making people who pay to pay more because of those who do not pay the electricity bills and they can not get them to pay. Their bills are shifted to people who pay, so it becomes estimated and a whole lot of burden to the good customers.

“My mandate will be to interface with the management to address and tackle the burden being faced by workers in the electricity industry where good hands and well-experienced staff are laid off all in the name of profit-making.

“The incessant sack of electricity workers without recourse or following laid down the condition of service is a call for concern which I will address. It is unhealthy for electricity companies to lay off legacy staff, the ones inherited from old PHCN, as no organisation can survive without the man with a better experience.

“As the President-General of our great association SSAEAC; I will reunite members to bring about the much-needed peace and harmony, create avenues for management at various strata in the electricity industry to see labour as partners in progress.

“My tenure will see to a better remuneration for workers in the electricity industry, most especially, the Discos. I will ensure a harmonious relationship with my sister union NUEE, for better synergy in labour issues. Be assured of accountability, openness, inclusiveness and comradeship”.

Meanwhile, Comrade Irene Ovie, who is also vying for the President position maintained that her priority will be to adopt the method of collective bargaining to Improve the Status of the Workers while still keeping the Employers in Business.

She said that despite the rising cost of Living including the increase in Electricity Tariff, welfare packages have remained Stagnant.

“We would Engage the Relevant Companies, Institutions and Government for Better Welfare Packages which include but not limited to – Fair Salary and Wages, Promotions as at when due, Provision of Quality Working Tools, Conducive Working Environment, Car loan/grant, Medical benefits, Regular Update of Conditions OF Service etc. This Collective Bargaining Relationship would be continuous until our goals are achieved.

“Relevance of SSAEAC in the Power Sector, Allied Companies and the Society in general, we will continue to engage all stakeholders by Creating Awareness i.e. Regularly communicating Relevant Information that Portrays our Activities and Achievements at all Levels. We would also ensure the empowerment of members especially foot soldiers at the grassroots at the chapter level, Branches and employees by organizing Trainings, Seminars and Attending Courses.

“We will apply the reconciliation approach, SSAEAC has faced many challenges in the recent past. These Challenges can be compared to clothes going through a washing machine. It twisted us, spun us and knocked us around but in the end, we all came out Cleaner, Brighter and Better than before with a SSAEAC that is Stronger and more Formidable.

“Throughout the various Challenges, I Irene Ovie have remained steadfast and loyal to the Leadership and Committed to the Stability of the Association. If Elected President General, we as a team would be open to reconciliation with all Aggrieved members, when reconciled, we would team up take SSAEAC to the next level.

“Due to dwindling resources, there is a need to have other sources of income. Presently the Association gets revenue from 4 sources.

i) Check-Off Dues
ii) Rent from a block of 11 flats at Abuja
iii) Revenue from Hotel Mount Carlo at Enugu
iv) Interest Rates from fixed Deposits.
I) We can start our Association Cooperative Society for members and employees where we can save and get loans when needed.
II) We would put the National Secretariat buildings into viable use as proposed- Hotel Accommodation, Events Centre, Recreational Centres, Halls for Meetings/ Seminars etc.
and other viable businesses introduced by the Investment Committee and members.

“We have Great Challenges (which are surmountable) and Great Opportunities ahead which we will grab and if Elected President General, We Working as a team will make the next three years the best in the history of our Great and Noble Association”.