Police rescue abducted UNIABUJA victims

The Nigerian police say it has rescued the six staff of the University of Abuja abducted by gunmen on Tuesday.

TPCN had reported that four lecturers and two children were abducted after gunmen feared to be Fulani bandits attacked the quarters.

The criminals numbering over 20 were said to have shot their way into the compound and whisked away from their victims.

Twenty-four hours later, the assailants reportedly called the mother of one of the kidnapped boys and demanded N300 million.

However, the Police on Friday said it has rescued the victims and reunited them with their families.

Confirming the rescue operation, Spokesperson of the Federal Capital Police Command, Josephine Adeh, said the rescue ensued from combined efforts of the command in a joint operation with other security agencies.

According to her, “The FCT Police Command wishes to inform members of the public that all abducted victims of the University of Abuja were rescued and reunited with their families through a joint operation with other security agencies. More details coming soon.”