Evacuate Nigerains in Ukraine with your private jets – Bruce tells rich Nigerians

Former Senator representing Bayelsa East Senatorial District, Ben Murray-Bruce has urged wealthy citizens to evacuate stranded Nigerians in Ukraine with their private jets.

Bruce in a tweet on Wednesday told Nigerian billionaires to use their jets to rescue fellow citizens rather than fly their girlfriends to vacations.

The founder of the Silverbird group said, “This crisis in Ukraine has lingered with Nigerian citizens unable to find a solution.

“I have a question for our billionaires and those aspiring for elective office. How many of you have fueled your private jets and sent them to neighbouring countries around Ukraine to help evacuate Nigerians home? None!

“But how many of you have fueled the same to carry your girlfriends to Harrods and fancy unnecessary races in Monaco? A number of you.

“Search your conscience and be a useful and genuinely charitable Nigerian for once.”

Meanwhile, the Nigerian government has said that though some Nigerians are not willing to return to the country from Ukraine, other stranded Nigerians will be evacuated on Wednesday from Poland, Hungary, and Romania airports.