Abducted NPC official, aides regain freedom

A Federal Commissioner of the National Population Commission (NPC) in Bayelsa State, Mrs. Gloria Izonfuo, who was abducted by gunmen in Rivers State, has regained her freedom.

Mrs. Izonfuo, a former Head of Service in Bayelsa State, was released after spending five days in captivity.

She was abducted at the Ogbakiri junction in Emuoha Local Government Area of Rivers State while returning from a trip in Brass, Bayelsa state last Sunday.

The gunmen, who attacked her vehicle, had abducted her aides, including her driver and maid.

The spokesperson of the Rivers State Police Command, Grace Iringe-Koko, who confirmed her release on Friday, said that the NPC federal commissioner has reunited with her family.

According to her, “Yes, she was released this morning (Friday). Her driver and maid that were kidnapped the same day with her were also released

“Investigation is still ongoing to apprehend the kidnappers and make them face justice.”