Abuja, Nigeria – In a dramatic turn of events, federal lawmakers comprising the G60 group have demanded immediate treason charges against 23 former Local Government Chairmen in Rivers State. These chairmen, whose three-year tenures constitutionally ended recently, attempted to unlawfully retain power, prompting strong condemnation from lawmakers led by Hon. Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere.

At an emergency press conference held at the National Assembly, Hon. Ugochinyere, supported by Hon. Aliyu Mustapha, Hon. Matthew Nwogu, and Hon. Midaila Usman, accused the former chairmen of violating various legal statutes designed to protect democratic processes. He specifically cited sections of the Criminal Code Act, Nigeria Police Act, and the Constitution of Nigeria, which prohibit any unlawful attempt to seize governmental power.

“We consider this brazen attempt by the former LGA chairmen as nothing short of treason,” declared Hon. Ugochinyere. “Their actions not only defy legal norms but also threaten the democratic fabric of our nation.”

The lawmakers expressed deep concern over reports that the former chairmen allegedly planned to conduct an illegal swearing-in ceremony using magistrates and judges from neighboring states, in defiance of their expired tenure. They commended Governor Similaye Fubara and the people of Rivers State for resisting what they termed a “coup against democracy.”

“We salute the courage of the Rivers state people who stood firm against this unconstitutional act,” remarked Hon. Ugochinyere. “Their actions are commendable under Section 20 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, empowering citizens to prevent crimes in progress.”

Quoting relevant legal provisions, Hon. Ugochinyere emphasized the severity of the offense, stating, “Section 37 of the Criminal Code Act clearly defines treason as an act of war against the state, punishable by death.”

In contrast, the lawmakers praised Governor Fubara for allowing the former chairmen to complete their term peacefully, despite challenges. They emphasized that democracy must prevail and any attempt to subvert it should face legal consequences.

“The failed attempt by these former LGA chairmen is a stark reminder that democracy is fragile and must be safeguarded at all costs,” declared Hon. Mustapha. “We call on the judiciary to swiftly intervene and ensure justice prevails in this matter.”

The G60 lawmakers called on the Rivers State Government to initiate treason charges against the former chairmen and their accomplices, urging the judiciary to remain vigilant against any further attempts to undermine lawful governance in the state.

“This incident serves as a warning to anyone contemplating such actions in the future,” warned Hon. Nwogu. “The rule of law must be upheld, and those who attempt to circumvent it will face the full force of justice.”

The press conference concluded with a call to all Nigerians to uphold democratic principles and respect the rule of law. The lawmakers expressed optimism that the legal process would serve as a deterrent against future attempts to subvert constitutional governance

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