RIWAMA frowns at dumping of still-born babies in Port Harcourt

Lorine Emenike

The Sole Administrator of Rivers State Waste Management Agency (RIWAMA), Bro Felix Obuah has condemned the inhuman dumping of unwanted and still-born babies at some receptacles in Port Harcourt and its environs.

The RIWAMA boss who called the development uncouth and cruel, said those involved in the unwholesome behaviour are not only a nuisance to the society but also murderers.

Bro Obuah who discovered the ugly sight while on his regular sanitation monitoring exercise at the Elelenwo axis of Port Harcourt said the rate at which unwanted and still-born babies are dumped at receptacles across the State is alarming, irritating and worrisome.

He said receptacles are for domestic wastes and not burial grounds or mortuaries and should be used for what they are lawfully provided for.

Bro Obuah also advised expectant mothers to take advantage of the numerous health centres located in and around the 23 local government areas of the State by Gov Nyesom Wike for the antenatal and delivery, stressing that abandoning unwanted or dumping still-born babies at receptacles is a grave offence before God and man.

The RIWAMA Sole Administrator warned that henceforth, the Agency will monitor, trace and prosecute anybody caught in this very act of barbarism as a deterrent to those who may wish to engage in similar act.

RIWAMA, Bro. Obuah noted is for waste management and not evacuation of dead bodies.

Bro Obuah however, advised that those who dislike keeping babies should desist from relationships that can facilitate bringing to life babies instead of bringing them forth and throwing them away.

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