Rivers: Palace children accuse elder sons of threatening to kill them

Brave Dickson

The children of Elimbu royal palace in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State have reported to the police, accusing their elder brothers, Emmanuel Utchey and Hope Utchey of threatening to kill them.

Speaking with our correspondent via voice note, a member of the family, Barr C. Utchey said, “since our father, Eze Dr Utchey JP died in the year 2021, precisely on the 19th day of April, our family has not known peace.

“We have been in total disarray. There are lots of intimidations and threats to our lives, occasioned by our elder brothers, Emmanuel Utchey and Hope Utchey.

“Our royal compound is a family compound and there were gadgets securing the royal family. What was the intention of our elder brothers for destroying the gadgets (the CCTV cameras).

“Our elder brothers Emmanuel and Hope have chased away the security guards protecting our gates as well as the cleaners.

“Now it has gone to the level that we no longer sleep with our two eyes closed.

“Emmanuel and Hope have been threatening us with violence, sending thugs and assassins to kill us.

“These two elder brothers of ours have also given us ultimatum to vacate our family house and we no longer move freely on the road.

“They also went as far as threatening to kill us with Juju. Just lately, we have been noticing diabolic sacrifices perpetrated by Emmanuel and Hope within the family compound where we are residing.

“Let it be on record that we now live in fear and we are using this medium to call on the police again and other well meaning Nigerians to come to our rescue.”

Confirming the formal report of the threat to the police, other members of the family including Prince G. Utchey urged the public to hold Emmanuel and Hope responsible if anything happens to their lives.

Meanwhile, efforts to reach the duo accused elder brothers for reactions had not been successful.