Rivers LGSC task public servants on performance

Lorine Emenike

The Rivers State local government service commission has urged all local government staff in the state to improve their performance in service delivery.

The call by the Commission was made in a seminar, with the theme: “Understanding Public Service Rule and Techniques of Effective Records Management”, which held at the state NULGE secretariat on Tuesday, 5th of June.

In his speech, chief G. O Thomas, one of the facilitators of the seminar stated that many employees in the local government area in the state have little or no knowledge of service rules and regulations and procedures that govern effective management in the public service administration.

He noted that his interactions with some functionaries of local government, overwhelmingly show that many do not understand the basic techniques of their jobs. He added that all organizational correspondence need to be equipped with the proper knowledge to improve performance and better service delivery.

Also, Mrs. Ibaniba Briggs- ITI, a co-facilitator, said that the local government areas are ideally created to bring governance nearer to the people in order to promote their participation in policy decision and execution.

She added that the expected cumulative effect of the creation of local government areas is to foster National Development and Growth, as well as to form the cornerstone of people’s centered democracy.

Mrs. Ibaniba also stated that the local government as the level of governance that is in constant touch with the people, is regarded as the barometer for measuring government successes or failures for the grassroots population.

Continuing, she said that it is believed that proper funding, independence from states, discipline devoid of corruption, selfishness, embezzlement and discrimination, workforce competencies and appropriate qualifications will strengthen the local government system.

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