Legacy Empire takes health benefits of HempWorx to Port Harcourt

By Brave Dickson

A group of hempWorx promoters in Rivers State has urged the sick not to lose hopes as hempWorx product is now available to restore their health and put money in their pockets too.

HempWorx product which is popularly called CBD oil was made from industrial hemp plants. A constituent that naturally occurs in industrial hemp and one of over 85 cannabinoids that are identified in the cannabis plant.

The assurance was given at a seminar organized by the hempWorx Legacy Empire of the Shift the Stigma in Port Harcourt with the theme: “Live and Earn Big.”

The facilitator of the seminar and Executive Affiliate of the group, Rev (Mrs) Linda Amadi-Oparaeli said: “It has given hope to a lot of people.

“There are cases of those who thought could not live again due to illnesses and are now healthy after they encountered our CBD oil. While giving health hopes to the sick, we also discovered that one can make money from CBD oil products.

“I think the first thing we have to do is to let the people know the availability of these products. CBD oil is a supplement that everyone’s body needs. Once these products get into the human body, they help to fight sicknesses and restore health.

“People that need these products have not heard of them so we want to increase our level of the campaign. We are equally advising the public to attempt trying CBD oil. The whole world is embracing CBD oil and Rivers people should embrace these products too. CBD oil will help their health and put money in their pockets.”

Another promoter of the group who is of the Builders’ cadre, Mrs Judith Adeniyi said: “CBD oil is good to recommend for those who have high blood pressure, tumours, cancer, fibroids and so many health complications. The supplement is very helpful and we are having results.”

Researchers have said that CBD oil is not psychoactive. This means that CBD oil does not change a person’s state of mind when they use it but rather produces effects in the body by attaching to certain receptors.

CBD oil, therefore, causes natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties as some experts also believe that the non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana, such as CBD, could provide a new treatment for chronic pain.

Interestingly, a pilot study published on addictive behaviours found that smokers who used inhalers containing CBD tend to smoke fewer cigarettes than usual and had no further cravings for nicotine.

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