King arrests molester of 13-year-old school girl in Ahoada

Civil Rights Council in Port Harcourt has called for the prosecution of Franklin Orlukwere, a 40-year-old man who allegedly raped 13-years-old school girl in Ahoada East Local Government Area of Rivers state.

The schoolgirl who is a basic 3 Pupil of St. Peter’s Primary School Ahoada, was abducted on her way to school and defiled by the man on Monday, 3rd of June.

He allegedly held her hostage for hours and released her in a bloodied condition.

The monster rapist allegedly fled the community after the dastardly act.

However, the suspect was arrested By HRM Eze Felix Enene Otuwarikpo, the Eze Ukpata on Friday, June 14, 2019, and handed over to Divisional Police Officer, Ahoada town.

The Civil Rights Council said that the prosecution of Mr Franklin will serve as a deterrent to others who choose to instil fear and engage in the heinous crime of sexually molesting women especially under-aged girls.

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