Kalabari IYC blames politicians over rising cult supremacy battles

Brave Dickson

Kalabari Clan of the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) has blamed politicians in the area for the rising menace emanating from cult supremacy.

Few days ago, the Degema council authority spearheaded a peace accord between warring Iceland and Greenland cult groups at the instance of security agencies, IYC and the Niger Delta People’s Volunteer Force.

The immediate past chairman of Kalabari IYC, Ibinabo omoni Jack told our correspondent that each time the political and non-political leaders of the area are in conflict, cultism related activities soar.

He said, “I blame our political and non-political leaders for the rise in cult supremacy in our area.

“We have observed that any time division creeps into our leaders, cultists also increase their struggle for supremacy.

“Rather than looking for ways to empower our youths and bring them out of social vices, our leaders are busy fighting themselves.

“I know the 2023 general election is one of the major reasons our leaders are sharply divided but they should know that their division is also fueling cult supremacy in our land.”

The ex-chairman also maintained that IYC would continue its security and surveillance activities in the area to forestall crime and criminality.