Half Naked Girls Celebrate Water Party In Diobu


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By Kelechi Esogwa-Amadi

Wonders, they say, will never end. This is true of Diobu, an old, strategic town situated in the heart of Port Harcourt City but very notorious for the ghetto-like lifestyle of some of its residents. Over the years, Diobu has been known for its shanties, high rate of crimes, immorality, cult activities and general waywardness.

Although the narratives about the area are changing as the area is now developing fast and becoming the printing hub of Port Harcourt, with good structures emerging and security improving courtesy of the community police operating there, Diobu still springs up one surprise or the other from time to time, especially in the areas of care-free lifestyle, indecency and waywardness.

Yesterday, one of such surprises came up in Diobu. A group of half-naked girls gathered at the famous Marakana Stadium at 28th Udi Street, Mile 1, Diobu, Port Harcourt, to hold a water party in celebration of their members’ birthday.

The girls, appearing in sexy bikinis, boxers, leggings, t-shirts and sleeveless tops, danced, sang and made several romantic displays in the process, captivating residents of Udi Street and passers-by while a Disc Jockey (DJ) supplied hot Naija pop music for them.

As they danced, the girls threw sachets of pure water on themselves, wasting more than ten bags of pure water in the process. Not satisfied yet, some of them went to nearby houses to fetch water in jerry cans, basins and buckets and as they danced, bathed themselves with it.

However, much of the water was poured on the celebrant, a fair-complexioned, robust-looking, pretty girl of average height. She wore a short t-shirt and tight pink leggings and danced more than the other girls. They also rubbed her with palm oil, thus adding to the fun, although those who were watching were a bit confounded, wondering what they wanted to achieve with that type of fun.

As part of the celebration, the girls drank bottles of hot drink and before long, some of them got intoxicated and began to misbehave and abuse others. This degenerated to quarrel and later a serious fight among them.

On inquiry, one of the girls told TPCN that the party was in celebration of one of their friends who celebrated her birthday, adding that the celebration was to identify with her.

On why they decided to hold a water party instead of a normal party where they and their guests could have dressed well and cut a cake for their friend, the girl, who refused to mention her name, said: “We wanted to do something special, something strange for our friend and she wanted it like this. You know, it’s just fun. Another thing is that most of us stay at the waterside; so it’s all about water, water, water. You know now, that kind thing,” she said with a blink of her eyes and twist of her head, smiling and running back to the scene.

However, true to their ruffian-like nature characteristic of most Diobu residents, the water party ended in fiasco as the girls engaged in a free-for-all quarrel

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