Ex-militant denies link to murder of 5 boys in Rivers Community

Tina Amanda

A Former Niger Delta Agitator, Solomon Ndigbara, has debunked the rumour making round that he was responsible for the alleged killing of five boys in Yege Town, in Gokana local government area of Rivers state.

Ndigbara who debunked the alleged killing while speaking to newsmen, called on the state government, security agencies to carry out proper investigation into the killings of the five youths.

He noted that he is not a member of any cult group to warrant him perpetrating such a heinous crime, stressing that the allegation is an attempt to drag his name to the mud.

“Yege and Gwara communities do not share common boundaries. From Yege, you have to pass about four communities before getting to Gwara, how is it possible that I will pass such communities successfully to kill five people? Gbene Felix Nwidag should stop asking for my trouble, I am not a cultist and does not belong to any cult group”

He however urged the Chiefs and Elders of Gwara community to call Gbene Felix Nwidag to order to stop defaming him.

Recall that Gbene Felix Nwidag, the Gbenemene Afeelo 1 of Ogoni, a repentant militant and also the leader of Ogoni Defence Supreme Council had on Sunday 8th March, alleged that gunmen affiliated to Solomon Ndigbara killed five youths in his compound in Gwara community, Gokana local government area of the state.

Gbene Nwidag further urged the government to arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of the crime, and boost security arrangements around his compound in Gwara.