Displaced residents demand compensation for demolished property

Tina Amanda

Some occupants of the Nigeria Railway Quarters Port Harcourt, whose property was demolished, have demanded compensation from the federal government.

In an interview with our correspondent at the demolition site, the occupants lamented that they are not illegal occupants, stressing that they had bought the property from the railway management.

They expressed sadness that they were not given adequate notice before the property, which they had suffered to acquire, was demolished.

The affected occupants, however, noted that they are not in disagreement with the government if they want to take over the place, but the proper thing should be done by compensating them, adding they did not just occupy there without adequate approval from the railway station.

Speaking on the development, the Public Relations Officer Port Harcourt Railway Depot Station, Atoyebi Samuel, said the demolished buildings were illegal structures that were on the train’s right of way.

According to him, the demolition is to remove every obstruction that will hamper the actualization of the rehabilitation of the Maiduguri – Port Harcourt rail line.

Samuel said, “The work has commenced and information was passed to them since last year March 2022, we do not want a situation where a tractor on-site is working and in the process of trying to swing, it knocks someone down who will bear the responsibility. That is why we want everyone to live.

“They should bear it and look for an alternative, just for us to actualize this, because it is within the eastern corridor. We want to enjoy what other political zones have enjoyed”.

On his part, Port Harcourt-based Human Rights Lawyer, Higher King, in an interview with journalists condemned the actions of the Nigeria Railway Corporation for not obtaining an order from the court to quit the occupants.

“From what we gathered, this is not just for the purpose of the rail line, it is for land grabbing, to give to a company around the area to park its trucks.

“We are calling on the state government to intervene because these are Rivers people. Over a thousand houses are affected, as you can see.

“In the law as far as I know, the government can forcefully take somebody’s land. But you must pay adequate compensation.”

“The properties destroyed, we have already valued them and we are taking appropriate legal steps. Even if they are taking the right of way, the people did not build there on their own account, somebody authorized them.

“Once they get in there you have legitimatized their stay by collecting any form of rent or allowing them, even if someone enters your land illegally you do not push him out forcefully you go to court and obtain an order of the court to push him out.

“Most of them have railway mandate to be on that land, it is bad, look at the condition of Nigeria and they are displacing people few months to an election where would they want them to stay and vote.

“If the government has provided locust houses for the people they won’t be living here, no electricity, no good road, and no good housing. Some serving security Officers are living in this same railway quarters and the government is displacing them very sad,” King added.