Final year student commits suicide

A final year student of the University of Nigeria Nsukka in the department of English and Literature Studies has committed.

The student, Chukwuemeka Akachi, had written a suicide note earlier on Monday on his Facebook timeline which read thus:
“Suicide Note.
Forgive me. In case you are the one who found the body, I am really sorry. It had to be someone, you know. I have chosen Jo Nketaih’s poem as my suicide note: “They said you came looking for me. I didn’t drown; I was the water.” Where do atheists go to when they die? lol. Amen”.

He was very active on Facebook with glittering writing skills.

It was gathered that he later took two bottles of a deadly insecticide, sniper during the day. Although he was caught and rushed to University Clinic, UNN, then to UNTH Enugu where he finally gave up the ghost.

Hostel mates said he had been talking about suicide for long but they did not take his serious due to his atheist views.

The University is yet to make any official state concerning his death.

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