As complaints were laid to the Kwara State Police Command about the disappearance of the umbilical cord and placenta of a newborn baby, the Commission said an investigation panel has been set up and the five suspects, doctors, and nurses involved in the delivery of the baby have been arrested.

It was learned that the incident occurred at the Government Cottage Hospital, Iloffa, in the Oke-Ero Local Government Area of the state last Sunday.

The spokesman of the Kwara State Police Command, Ejire-Adeyemi Toun, confirmed the incident, noting that the investigation is ongoing at the General Investigation Unit of the Criminal Investigation Department of the command in Ilorin.

“The police are investigating the incident, and five suspects have been arrested in connection with it; an investigation is still ongoing.”

The mother of the baby, who identified herself as Mrs. C. B. A. Williams, a class teacher at Orota Secondary School, Odo-Owa, in the Oke-Ero council area, said she birthed a baby on Sunday night. She stated that the placenta and umbilical were not given to her.

The suspects, Dr. Ajibola, a resident doctor in the hospital, and three nurses identified as Rukayat Adeloye, Aishat Awolusi, and Peace Alabi, and Toyin Adewumi, a ward attendant at the hospital, were detained late Thursday afternoon after interrogation.

Kwara State
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It was alleged that Mrs. Williams delivered her baby at the hospital on Sunday night at about 7 p.m. after hours of labor.

“I was feeling some labor pains on Sunday, and I got to the Cottage hospital some minutes past 1 p.m. on Sunday and told the particular nurse Adeloye I met on duty that I was having contractions. She was the one who attended to me after confirming that I was truly in labor.

“She took me into the labor room and asked me to wait because I still had more time. Not quite long after I came, the doctor also came in and instructed the nurse to usher me into the labor room.

“In the course of the delivery, it was one nurse, Alabi, who took the delivery, and nurse Adeloye and the Ward Attendant, identified as Mrs. Toyin, were the three people present.

However, she noted that, while she was discharged the following day, she was given a nylon by the hospital workers when she noticed that two items were missing.

“Though they handed a black nylon bag to me, I discovered that there are two missing items inside the nylon; those are the umbilical cord and the placenta,” she said.

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