Abe urges Rivers voters to resist intimidation, defend votes

Magnus Abe, the Social Democratic Party, SDP gubernatorial candidate in Rivers state has urged all eligible voters to resist all forms of intimidations by anybody and troop out to cast their vote on Saturday.

Abe charged the voters in the State to dutifully turn out to cast their votes for the candidates of their choice and also defend the validity of the votes.

Abe gave the charge while responding to his conferment with the Chieftaincy Title of Dike Di-Ora-Nma Ndigbo by His Royal Majesty, Eze Dr. Innocent Adiele Maduagwu, Eze Onu N’ Ekwuru Igbo III Eze Ndigbo Rivers/Bayelsa States in his palace.

“On Saturday, March 18, 2023, we all, as Nigerians, have the right to go out and cast our votes for the candidates of our choices in the Governorship and House of Assembly Elections.

“I want to use this opportunity to remind the Igbos, the Hausa people, Yoruba people, Akwa Ibom people, Edo people, the Andonis, Ogbas, Kalabaris, Ndokis, Ibanis, Ekpeyes, Wakrike, Abuans, Odual people, Engennis and all Rivers people that call this place our land, our home, must come out and vote for who we all want to govern us, despite his ethnicity or religious slant and ensure that the same votes are counted and the same votes count.

“Stay back after voting and be sure that your votes truly count. Any manner of threats and or intimidation to try to force anyone to vote one way or another must be resisted, because it is totally against the law.

“Let us all freely vote for whoever we want to lead our dear Rivers State, going forward as we all come together united under one leadership”.

The SDP Guber flag-bearer expressed deep appreciation to the Igbo Community in Rivers and Bayelsa States for finding him a worthy friend and ally to partner for the realization of collective dreams of growth and development, assuring that he would not treat such trust with levity.

Earlier, the Eze Ndigbo Rivers/Bayelsa States, Eze Innocent Adiele Maduagwu, Eze Onu N’Ekwuru Igbo III had described Senator Magnus Abe as a friend and brother in times of need, one who truly keeps to his word and not given to threats and frivolities, pointing out that “the entire Igbo Community in these two states are indeed happy to associate with you over the years and so you deserve to be recognized and installed as one of our chiefs”.

Several other titled Igbo chiefs, women, young men and their wives, many of whom are doing legit businesses in and around Rivers/Bayelsa States were present at the brief, but colorful installation ceremony in Port Harcourt.