Father’s Day: Rivers men demand for Ministry of Men Affairs

By Kelechi Esogwa-Amadi

As the world marked the annual Father’s Day celebration on Sunday, a group of Rivers men have called on the Rivers State government as well as other state governments in Nigeria to be involved in the celebration.

Speaking to TPCN during a random interview on the event in Port Harcourt on Sunday, the men argued that Father’s Day would make more meaning when governments participate actively in the celebration.

Deacon George Ikere, an Ahaoda man in his mid-70s, said since his over fifty years’ sojourn in Port Harcourt, he had never seen the state government showing interest in the welfare of fathers.

He further noted: “I came to Port Harcourt from my place, Ahaoda, in 1971, just a year after the civil war. From that time till now, I have not seen or heard of any special welfare programme for fathers by our state government.

“Fathers have always been struggling on their own without support from the government. Now, we’re talking about the fathers’ day celebration, you will not see or hear of any government programme meant to celebrate the fathers. The government has left the celebration to the church as if it is only in the church that you have fathers. Are there no fathers working in government? Even the governor is a father. That’s what am talking about”

Ikere suggested the establishment of a ministry of men affairs as one way to cater for the welfare of fathers.

“Government can establish the ministry of fathers’ affairs to show its concern for the welfare of fathers. Just as they have a ministry of women affairs, they should dedicate a ministry to men.

“That ministry will now look into the problems of men and help to solve them. That ministry can also organise special programmes to celebrate men during fathers’ day celebration because men deserve it,” he suggested.

Mr Clifford Tamuno, an elder in the Assemblies of God, believes that fathers are not celebrated enough in today’s society. He accused the women folk of conspiracy, adding that they deliberately draw all the attention to themselves.

According to him, “Even in the churches, women try to present themselves as if they’re the pillars without which the churches won’t stand. The men, who are the real pillars, both in the homes and churches, are not recognised and given their due honour.

“We’re marginalised a lot both by our wives and our governments. It is even in the church that we’re given some recognition, on a day like this. Another time is when we have the men’s week.”

He said there is nothing wrong in the Rivers State Government establishing a ministry that will cater for men’s welfare.

“Yes, I support the idea of our state government establishing the ministry of men affairs. After all, they have a ministry of women affairs, a ministry of social welfare and rehabilitation which cater for children, they have for the youth. So there’s nothing wrong if they establish the one for men. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander,” Elder Tamuno said.

Pastor Dike Wodumati of the Oil of Grace Ministry, Port Harcourt, wondered why the celebration of Father’s Day should be left for the church alone.

He told TPCN: “It amazes me that since I started hearing of Father’s Day, it is only in the church that it is celebrated. Does it mean that it is a church affair alone? Why is the government not participating in the celebration?

“I know it’s a worldwide celebration, not only in Nigeria. So, I expect the governments to participate in it. Even if it’s an exclusive Christian affair, our own state government should participate since it claims to be a Christian State. It should organise programmes to celebrate the event which is only once a year. That’s what I think they should do.”