Village deserted as OSPAC operative shoots soldier to death in Emohua

Tina Amanda

Some suspected members of the local vigilante, OSPAC have allegedly shot dead one Darlington Worehu, a Nigerian Soldier at Obele, Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State.

TPCN gathered that the incident occured on Saturday night, 5 March 2022.

Speaking to our correspondent on the development, Former Caretaker Chairman Community Development Committee (CDC), of Obele, Eze Israel Anele, who is an uncle to the deceased Soldier narrated that the late Soldier was on his way home at about 10:30 pm on Saturday night when he saw OSPAC members detaining some of his relatives.

Anele disclosed that the late Soldier alighted from the vehicle he was in and approached the vigilante members who were about eight in number to inquire reasons behind their action.

According to Anele, an argument ensued between them and one of the OSPAC members reportedly shot Darlington on the chest and head while two other of his relatives sustained gunshot injuries in the process.

He said further that angry Youth of the community on hearing the news of the Soldier’s death mobilized and went to the OSPAC office and destroyed it.

Anele also revealed that the OSPAC members have deserted the village while the Police and the Nigerian Army are in the community in search of the OSPAC members.

Our correspondent reports that the late Soldier, Darlington Worehu was serving at Niger State, but came home on permission from the Authority of the Nigerian Army.

The Acting Spokesperson of Nigerian Police Rivers State, DSP Iringe Koko is yet to respond to text messages sent to her mobile line on the enquiry into the incident.

The Spokesperson for the 6 Division Nigerian Army, Lt.Colonel Charles Ekeocha has not responded to text messages sent to his mobile line by our correspondent as of press time.