Five killed as rival cults clash in Delta Community

Five persons have reportedly been killed following cult clashes by rival groups in Agbarho Community, Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State.

It was learnt that the incident has caused serious tension in the town, Daily Post reports.

Reacting to the development, the President-General of Agbarho-Urhobo Improvement Union, Chief Monday Igho-Odiphri, said the number of deaths could not be ascertained yet.

However, he stated that the situation has been put under control following the presence of security operatives.

According to Chief Igho-Odiphri, “There was a cult clash that claimed the lives of an unascertained number of persons.

“The situation is under control as security operatives, including the community local vigilante, are on ground in a bid to fish out the culprit(s).”

Confirming the incident, the State Police Public Relations Officer, (PPRO), DSP Bright Edafe said, “Yes, it’s confirmed. Five persons have been killed. It’s a fight between two cult groups.”