Residents desert Ibaa Community after murder of OSPAC operative, son

community killings in Rivers state
Photo credit: Emmanuel Onwuka

Tina Amanda

One Amobi Oguzo, a member of disbanded OSPAC, a local Vigilante Group in Emohua local government area, has been murdered in the Ibaa community, barely twenty-four hours after his son, Prince Oguzo was killed by gunmen.

According to reports, people of Ibaa community are fleeing the area for their safety following the killing.

In an interview with our correspondent, the disbanded OSPAC General Commander in Emohua, Emeka Wori, condemned the killing of his members, while expressing displeasure that crime is retuning to Ibaa community which has enjoyed relative peace before now.

He, however, said that it is disheartening for the suspected gunmen to enter Ibaa without a tip-off to OSPAC or to security agencies by the gunmen’s families that deserted the village before the incident occurred which implies they were privy to information on the incident.

The OSPAC Commander further assured that he is working hand in hand with the Divisional Police Officer of Rumuji, the Army and other security agencies to intervene in the situation.

“I’m not in a very good mood because of what happened yesterday 25 August 2021. After the news of the killing of Oguzo’s son in the day, I left Ibaa to Port Harcourt between 5 to 6 pm yesterday, it was so surprising around 9 pm I got a call that gunmen have murdered Amobi Oguzo. It is sad that Ibaa community where we thought crime had reduced drastically, is gradually turning into an unsafe place again.

“These boys entered into the community, nobody gave information to OSPAC or to security agents on what is happening. I do not know if it is politicians or the Ibaa community people are sponsoring these boys. I’m here to reiterate that what has happened will not repeat itself again.

“Before these boys came for the operation, they asked their families to leave Ibaa community. Right now, their houses are deserted. This is to say that the parents of the perpetrators knew about the incident, enough is enough we can not take this again from anybody.

He called on all members of the Emohua disbanded OSPAC to remain calm, be careful and protect themselves from future re-occurrence.

Recall that four months ago, some repentant “Iceland” cultists had accused OSPAC in Ibaa of killing their members but OSPAC leadership denied the killing.

The spokesperson of Rivers State Police Command, SP Nnamdi Omoni, is yet to respond to the development as of the time of filing this report.