Fire outbreak: Okrikans move to end Kpo-fire activities in waterfront communities

Brave Dickson

Okrikans in Rivers State have begun the move to end the activities of illegally refined crude oil popularly called Kpo-fire in the waterfront communities of Port Harcourt, the state capital.

Kpo-fire; after being transported from the creeks is predominantly transacted in the waterfront communities of the state capital.

In an interview with one of those behind the move, the former head of waterfront chairmen, Sam Ateke said the move is aimed at preventing fire outbreak in the waterfront communities.

Sam Ateke who is a staunch loyalist of King Ateke Tom said, “Kpo-fire business has been identified as a potential threat to the health and safe neighbourhood of the waterfront dwellers and must not continue in waterfront communities.

“We will do all we can to free our waterfront communities from Kpo-fire activities because we don’t want to hear fire outbreak again.

“We will start by sensitizing our people who live in waterfront communities on the dangers of Kpo-fire in our neighbourhoods.

“Thereafter, we will identify the dealers of Kpo-fire in waterfront communities and engage them on the need to stop such business in our neighbourhood.

“The outcome of such engagement will determine the next step we will take but I can assure you that Kpo-fire activities will end in waterfront communities,” he said.

Though, it will be though to end Kpo-fire activities in waterfront communities because the business has connectivity with some warlords from the Niger Delta Region.