Shell carries out free medical outreach for the elderly


The Shell Petroleum Development Company says it plans to provide more medical assistance to the elderly in its host communities.

Sam Ezugworie, SPDC’s Asset Manager, Land Hub, disclosed this on Wednesday at the sideline of Shell-sponsored free medical outreach tagged: “SPDC Management Day Out”.

Ezugworie said that the company was passionate about the well-being of senior citizens in its over 200 host communities.
He said: “We felt that it is important to celebrate and appreciate the elders. We do not need to wait only when there are crises before they can be sought after.

“This initiative started three years ago; when we pulled out elders and key representatives from our neighbours and the areas where we operate to appreciate them.”

He said the screening covered checks on high blood pressure; sugar level; eye tests, counselling, drugs and treated glasses were given to the beneficiaries.

He said: “It is not only when we have problem that we run to them – elderly. It is good to also appreciate them when we don’t have problems.

“We did this so that when we have problems either with our neighbours or stakeholders, we can run to them with the goodwill that we have created.

“If we do the right thing; only then will they be able to listen to us because indeed we truly care.”

Also speaking, SPDC’s Principal Environment Adviser, Prof. Eunice Nwachukwu, urged the beneficiaries to use jute bags and steel utensils rather than plastic bags and utensils.

She said: “Plastic does not dissolve nor decay; it is harmful to humans, plants and animals. Rather than dispose our plastic waste; we should keep them for recycling.”

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Eze Innocent, while commending SPDC for the medical outreach, said that many of the beneficiaries had not undergone medical checks for years.


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