Controversial Nollywood actress Yvonne Jegede has publicly criticized fellow media personality Chinedu Ani Emmanuel, known as Nedu, following his comments about her recent apology to Yul Edochie’s first wife. Jegede had previously apologized for endorsing Edochie’s second marriage during her appearance on the podcast “The Honest Bunch,” co-hosted by Nedu.

After her apology, Nedu commented on Instagram, “If you talk, use your chest, stand by your words,” which Jegede perceived as a dig. In response, Jegede took to Instagram to lambast Nedu, suggesting that his inability to understand her apology indicates a lack of respect for women. She accused him of being narcissistic and toxic, stating that he revels in women’s conflicts and setbacks.

“Nedu’s difficulty in comprehending my apology highlights the issues with narcissistic and toxic men. Small-minded people like him celebrate when women attack each other. Your podcast history is full of content targeting women’s self-esteem. Maybe the rumor is true—you don’t like women. Nedu, women winning doesn’t diminish you or any other man,” Jegede wrote.

In defense of Nedu, actress Shan George stated that he was simply doing his job as an interviewer. George emphasized that Jegede had the right to apologize for her comments and that Nedu had done nothing wrong by asking questions. She urged that there was no need to escalate the issue further.

“Yvonne has apologized, which is enough. Nedu’s role was to ask questions and make you speak out. It’s your duty to be mindful of your words, but if you err, you apologize. Let’s not blow this out of proportion,” George remarked.

Nedu’s management also issued a statement, cautioning Jegede against further defamation. They clarified that Jegede was not coerced into making any statements on the podcast and that her appearance was part of a publicity campaign for her upcoming movie. They emphasized that neither Nedu nor the podcast producers were responsible for Jegede’s personal views.

“We want to make it clear that Yvonne Jegede was not pressured to make any statements on the podcast. Her appearance on ‘The Honest Bunch’ was part of her movie promotion and does not entitle her to defame Nedu or the producers,” the statement read.

Nedu addressed the accusations of misogyny, asserting that he does not hate women and highlighting his relationships with women in his personal and professional life. He mentioned his three daughters, his female manager, and other women around him to counter the claims.

“In past episodes of ‘The Honest Bunch,’ I might have said things that upset some people, leading to accusations that I hate women. I don’t. My manager is a woman, I have three beautiful daughters, and many women are part of my life. I don’t know where these accusations are coming from,” Nedu explained.

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