On June 12, 2024, during the Democracy Day celebration parade at Eagles Square, the National Troupe unveiled a monumental portrait of President Bola Tinubu. Claimed to be the world’s largest canvas painting portrait, this striking artwork is set to earn President Tinubu a spot in the Guinness World Records.

The unveiling of this impressive portrait comes seven months after President Tinubu expressed his belief that he deserves recognition in the Guinness World Records for his significant contributions and past achievements. Speaking at the 10th German-Nigerian Business Forum on November 21, 2023, Tinubu highlighted his influential role in shaping Nigeria’s political and economic landscape, suggesting that his efforts had paved the way for his presidency.

The giant portrait, created by a team of talented artists, serves not only as a celebration of Tinubu’s leadership but also as a symbol of national pride and unity. The choice of Eagles Square for the unveiling is symbolic, reflecting the nation’s democratic values and the president’s commitment to fostering a prosperous Nigeria.

This unprecedented artistic endeavor underscores the government’s support for the arts and its recognition of their power to inspire and unite people. The National Troupe’s achievement in creating the world’s largest canvas painting portrait is a testament to the creativity and dedication of Nigerian artists.

As the world’s largest canvas painting portrait, this artwork is expected to attract global attention and solidify President Tinubu’s legacy. It stands as a tribute to his vision for Nigeria and his belief in the country’s potential to achieve greatness on the world stage

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