Suspected cultists abduct, kill 3 in Ahoada West LGA

Tina Amanda

Some suspected Iceland cult members loyal to a gang leader by the name of General ‘Danger’ at the early hours of Monday 4th, December 2023, abducted two males and a female from Egbeh community in Ubie kingdom in Ahoada West Local Government Area of Rivers State.

A sources from the community disclosed that the corpses of the three persons abducted were later found along the Egbeh and Ebiriba Road area of Ubie Kingdom.

Our Correspondent gathered that before the incident, the two deceased male victims reportedly had a quarrel with a woman said to be the mother of General ‘Danger’ who boosted to deal with them ruthlessly.

According to the report, the lady abducted alongside the two males was a girlfriend to one of the male deceased while the woman said to be the mother of General ‘Danger’ has fled the community.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for the Rivers State Police Command, SP Grace Iringe Koko, has confirmed the incident, noting that investigations is ongoing to unravel the circumstance that led to the murder of the three persons and also arrest the culprits.

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