Sekibo was indicted for cultism – Wike

Rivers State governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has described as untrue the claim by the Director-General of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential Campaign Council in the State, Dr. Abiye Sekibo, that he sponsored assassination attempt on him.

The governor emphatically declared that he has never and will not indulge in any act of sponsoring assassins against anybody.

Governor Wike debunked Sekibo’s ludicrous allegation when he spoke at the Rivers East Senatorial District rally of the PDP that held at the Yakubu Gowon Stadium in Port Harcourt on Saturday.

“Let me use the opportunity to debunk an allegation that some persons may have made that one Abiye Sekibo said that I sponsored assassination; attempted assassination on his life.

“I want to state categorically clear, all of us from Rivers State know who is who. We know who has killed so many people in this State.”

Governor Wike recalled aspect of the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) set up by the Chibuike Amaechi’s administration and was headed by late Justice Kayode Eso that clearly indicted Dr. Abiye Sekibo.

“Justice Kayode Eso, retired justice of the Supreme Court of blessed memory, in a judicial panel report, indicted Abiye Sekibo as the head of cultists that killed so many people in Rivers State.”

Governor Wike insisted that it is also not true the allegation of burning down of the venue that has been graciously approved by his administration for the PDP Presidential Campaign Council to hold its presidential campaign rally.

“So, we granted approval for the candidate (presidential) of the party to hold their rally at Adokiye Amiesimaka Stadium. I do know that if you go there today, no stadium has been burnt.

“And so, it is impossible for anybody to say somebody’s life was attempted and then the place was burnt down. It is not correct.

In categorical terms, governor Wike persisted: “And if there is anything like that, the person should report the matter to the police and all those found culpable will face the wrath of the law.

“This is not the first time. If you know you don’t have capacity to mobilise support which you have promised some people say so. Do not carry propaganda against innocent people.”

Addressing the crowd, governor Wike said the senatorial campaign rally was furtherance to the ongoing efforts to mobilising party members and Rivers voters to keep faith with PDP.

“We decided to see that all the senatorial district hold themselves together as what we may call our rally. All I want to appeal to all of us is for all of us to continue to remain steadfast, and continue to mobilise our people as regards the forth coming election on February 25th and March 11th 2023. We all are aware at where we are heading to by the grace of God.”