By Tina Amanda

The Ahoada Divisional Police in Rivers State have arrested the gang leader identified as Emeka, who is alleged to have masterminded the gang rape and murder of a pregnant woman Mrs. Chigbewejim Steward, a mother of two children on February 12, 2023, in Abarikpo community, Ahoada East Local Government Area.

In an interview with Correspondent, husband to the deceased who is an assistant Pastor with Seventh Day Adventist church, Lawyer Steward, confirmed the arrest. He alleged that Emeka orchestrated his wife’s death following a quarrel that ensued between them.

Steward explained that during the altercation, his wife called the suspect “wicked man,” which allegedly led to her being abducted and fatally assaulted to death, adding that his wife’s body was discovered near a fishing pond, showing signs of severe trauma and multiple bruises on her private part.

He however called on the government to intervene and ensure justice is served.

“Yes Emeka, is the mastermind of the death of my wife. After having quarrel with my wife, that morning my wife called him wicked man.

‘He told my wife you called me wicked man, you will see wickedness today. And that night around 1am breaking Sunday morning 12 February 2023, those bad boys came to my house and broke the door and take my wife away.

“They raped her, my wife was 5 months pregnant and strangled her to death. Police arrested him last week Thursday 23 May, 2024, he is now in the Police custody, I have gone there to give statement.

“I want the Government to intervene so that justice will prevail”.

Steward had in an interview last year, told Journalists that his wife was abducted by suspected Iceland cult members from his house at Abarikpo community and taken to their (cultists) base where she was gang raped to death.

He disclosed that the corpse of his wife was discovered close to a fishing pond several hours after she was abducted with multiple bruises and bleeding from her vagina.

Late Mrs Chigbewejim Steward until her death, was said to be very vocal in condemning criminal and cult activities in Abarikpo community.

The Rivers State Police Command, SP Grace Iringe Koko, is yet to respond to enquries by Journalists on the development as at Press time.

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