Rivers lecturer refuses to apologise to institution, says he did nothing wrong

Tina Amanda

A Lecturer with the Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Zoe Solomon Tamunotonye, has claimed not to have committed any crime to warrant him writing an apology letter to the Management of the institution over the alleged exploitation and harassment of a female student, Blessing Lucky Audu.

In an interview with our correspondent, he said he wrote a letter to the management of the institution for clarity and in response to what he is to apologize for since he has committed no crime.

“I do not think the matter this is between me and the student because the matter between us has been resolved by the Commissioner of Police. I do not know where my institution is coming from to deal with me. For five months now, I have been without a salary”.

He further asked the institution to review its present position on the matter while calling for justice.

The management of Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola PortHarcourt, had in a letter dated 10 April 2022 and signed by the Institution’s Registrar, Chris Woke, and addressed to Zoe Tamunotonye, urged the lecturer to apologize to the School Management over his role in the alleged harassment and exploitation of Blessing Audu.

The letter read: “Management committee at its special meeting held on 29 March 2022 considered the report of findings and recommendations of “investigative committee on alleged misconduct by Mr Zoe Solomon Tamunotonye against Miss Blessing Audu and accepted that your conduct in the matter of harassment and exploitation of Miss Blessing Lucky Audu as widely circulated in the media amounted to misconduct in line with the law establishing the Polytechnic and justifies your suspension for three months without pay effect from 10 January 2022 “.

“In view of the above:

  1. Your three months suspension without pay should be lifted from 10 April 2022

  2. You should render an unreserved written apology to Management.

  3. You are by this strongly warned against such or similar unwholesome act in future, especially any wilful act or behaviour prejudicial to the good name of the school.

  4. You should undertake in writing to be of good behaviour throughout your period of service in the Polytechnic.

“Please comply accordingly to avoid further disciplinary measures”.

Recall that the Sani Abacha Police Division had arrested the female student, Blessing Lucky Audu on December 29, 2021, following Complaints by the male lecturer that she stole his money and property.

The student had at the time of the incident denied the Lecturer’s allegation, and instead accused him of harassing her for turning down his marriage proposal, which the Lecturer had denied such actions.