Rivers judiciary to proceed on leave August 1st

By Florence Uwaeme

Rivers State Judiciary will proceed on annual vacation from the 1st of August, resuming the 28th of September, 2023.

The Chief Judge of Rivers State, Justice SIMEON CHIBUZOR-AMADI, has disclosed that the judiciary will proceed on annual vacation from the 1st of August 2023.

The Chief Judge, in a statement by the Chief Registrar of the High Court, DAVID IHUA-MADUENYI, said according to order forty-nine, Rule four of the high court, all judicial divisions of the High Court will remain closed during the vacation.

The statement, while revealing that regular court sitting will resume on Thursday, the 28th of September, 2023, assured that any urgent matter filed during the vacation should be entertained by any of the vacation judges appointed by the Chief Judge.