Rivers CP sets up monitoring team at borders over complaints

Mr. Mustapha DanDaura, the Rivers state commissioner of police says the command will prosecute any security personnel obtaining bribes at various entry points to the state.

The CP said the command is aware of the complaints of extortion by security agents posted around the borders of the state to enforce the border closure order of the state government.

Dandaura who paid a surprise visit to the Oyibo and Akwaibom border entry points on Thursday in said any security personnel caught collecting money will be dealt with.

The CP who was in the company of Army commanders and other security officials said the command is trying to create a lane for trucks who have permits to come in and not for the transporters who shuttle services.

He said: “You can see the disorderliness occasioned by the refusal of trucks and motorists without permit insisting that they must come in, thereby blocking the whole lane of the road and prevention motorist on essential duty to come in”.

The CP said the command has set up a monitoring team to checkmate activities of security personnel at the border throughout the period of the lockdown.

He added that only trucks carrying foodstuffs, perishable items and Medicare are free to enter the state and warned transporters to steer clear from the borders noting that every state has its laws guiding the COVID-19 lockdown, stressing that the laws set up to guide the activities of the state during the COVID-19 lockdown must be obeyed.