OPM calls for application into free school

Omega Power Ministries, OPM, with Apostle Gift Chibuzor Chinyere as its General Overseer worldwide has in fulfilment of its continued advocacy that money for tithes and offering should be for building schools, hospitals and other social amenities for the poor, announced on Saturday, December 8, to the public that enrollment into its tuition-free schools for indigent students has begun.

He said: The free school at Oyigbo, which is located at N0.32 Chigbu Street, Oyigbo in Oyigbo local government area of Rivers State has its entrance examination slated for 15 December 2018, while the Free school at Borokiri, which is located at NO.3 Harold Wilson Drive Port Harcourt, Township has its entrance examination slated for 14 December 2018.”

The announcement expectedly drew thunderous applause and excitement among members of the church.

He went further to state that “Parents and wards of less privileged children are advised to make their children available on the day of the exams, everything the children need for their examination would be provided.

The General Overseer who revealed this while preaching to his congregation at its OPM headquarters at Mbodo Aluu, Ikwerre local government of Rivers State, added that, “Note that the school is inexcusably and exclusively for children of widows, orphaned children and less privileged children. A team of people would critically investigate the children claims of being from less privileged homes.

“The Free schools are fully funded from offerings and tithes”

”Please inform any less privileged you know and share the message until it gets to all less privilege”

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