Ogonis are not Biafrans – COP

The Council of Ogoni Professionals (USA) says the people of Ogoni are not Biafrans.

The position was made known at the just concluded meeting of presidents of the UNPO in Washington DC, USA by the Executive Chairman of COP, Anslem John-Miller during a presentation at the meeting.

John-Miller said while the Ogoni people are not opposed to the Igbos of Nigeria seeing to enforce their rights to in any way, the Ogoni people were a distinct ethnic group in Nigeria and they were not Biafrans nor are they a part of the Ibo.

The Igbo people had during the presentation of an application to join the UNPO included the Ogoi people as part of Biafra. But COP Executive Chairman swiftly responded to clarify the position of the Ogoni people noting tha the Ogoni are a distinct ethnic nationality and not a part of Biafra