The Armed Forces of Nigeria have deployed 197 personnel to Gambia for a peacekeeping mission, as announced by Maj-Gen. Boniface Sinjen, the Chief of Operations of the Nigerian Army.

The announcement was made on Friday in Jaji, Kaduna State. The soldiers, who are part of Nigerian Company 9 under the Economic Community of West African States Mission in The Gambia (ECOMIG), began their Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) on May 4, 2024.

The training took place at the Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre (MLAILPKC) in Jaji, Kaduna State.

Maj-Gen. Sinjen emphasized that the training aligns with the commitment of the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, to ensure the deployment of well-prepared peacekeepers who can support international peace and security effectively. He highlighted that the soldiers have been trained in the latest techniques and procedures essential for maintaining peace and stability in complex environments.

Addressing the troops, Maj-Gen. Sinjen urged them to uphold human rights and exhibit discipline, respect, and compassion towards the people they are tasked with protecting. “You have been trained in the latest techniques and procedures for maintaining peace and stability in a complex environment and instilled with the values of discipline, respect for human rights, and compassion for the people you are going out there to protect,” he said.

He acknowledged the critical timing of their mission, given Gambia’s current period of uncertainty and instability.This deployment comes amidst ongoing security challenges within Nigeria, including banditry, terrorism, and kidnapping.

Despite these internal issues, the Nigerian Army remains committed to contributing to regional and international peace efforts. The peacekeeping mission in Gambia reflects Nigeria’s dedication to supporting stability and security in West Africa.

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