Military asks oil bunkerers to embrace FG’s non-kinetic approach or be dealt with

By Florence Uwaeme

The military has said there will be no hiding place for criminals and any saboteur of critical national assets.

The Commander, Joint Task Force (JTF), South-South Operation Delta Safe (OPDS) Rear Admiral Eugenio Ferriera, disclosed this as he led the destruction of an illegal crude oil refining site at Ibaah, in Emuoha Local Government Area Council of Rivers State.

The Commander OPDS, who was on a familiarization visit to the Land Component and 6 Division Nigerian Army, further stated that there would be zero tolerance for any act that would impede the JTF OPDS from actualizing its mandate.

He called on criminal gangs to take advantage of the non-kinetic approaches opened by the federal government and earn legitimate means of livelihood or meet their Waterloo in the hands of troops.

Earlier in his address to troops, Rear Admiral Ferriera tasked troops to be resolute in prosecuting the mandate of the JTF OPDS.

He assured that his command would go all out to provide the needed logistics and other operations enablers, including support for troops’ decisive actions in the line of duty.

Also speaking, the General Officer Commanding the 6 Division Nigerian Army and Land Component Commander of JTF OPDS, Major General Jamal Abdussalam, stated that since he assumed duty as GOC, he has directed the commencement of night patrols in the entire JTF OPDS area of responsibility by troops of the land component.

He said the action which has further put pressure on the criminals. He affirmed that further initiatives would be instituted to put the criminals on the run further.

Highpoint of the visit to the Land Component Operation Delta Safe was the presentation of briefs and the exchange of souvenirs.