In a testament to its ongoing dedication to legal education in Nigeria, the O.B. Lulu-Briggs Foundation celebrated its 15th annual Law School Students Scholarships Award Ceremony by presenting 59 deserving law graduates from Rivers State with scholarships valued at N120,000 each and brand-new laptops. The event, held in Port Harcourt, coincided with what would have been the 94th birthday of the late High Chief O.B. Lulu-Briggs, whose vision and generosity continue to shape the foundation’s mission.

Mrs. Seinye O.B. Lulu-Briggs, Chairperson of the foundation and wife of its late founder, expressed heartfelt gratitude to all attendees and highlighted the profound legacy of her late husband. “His unwavering support laid the foundation for this initiative, which has benefitted 931 law graduates from Rivers State since its inception in 2009. Today, we celebrate not only his memory but also the bright futures of our 59 newest scholars,” she remarked.

In her address, Mrs. Lulu-Briggs urged the recipients to leverage technology in their legal careers, presenting the laptops as more than mere devices but as gateways to extensive legal resources and collaborative platforms. “Technology is now indispensable for lawyers. Embrace these tools to enhance your legal knowledge and practice,” she advised.

The ceremony also featured an insightful lecture titled ‘Navigating the Legal Landscape: Through the Lenses of an Academic,’ delivered by Professor Oluyemisi Adefunke Bamgbose, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Ibadan and Nigeria’s first female Professor of Law to be conferred with the Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN).

Professor Bamgbose emphasized the dual roles legal practitioners can play in academia and practice. “Combining academia with practical legal work enriches both teaching and legal practice. It allows educators to integrate real-world examples into their teachings and stay updated with current legal developments,” she explained.

Professor Victor A. Akujuru, representing Prof. Nlerum S. Okogbule, Vice Chancellor of Rivers State University and Chair of the occasion, lauded the foundation’s commitment to educational philanthropy. “The O.B. Lulu-Briggs Foundation continues to set a remarkable precedent in supporting education, health, and overall well-being. Today’s awards underscore their unwavering dedication to nurturing future legal luminaries,” he stated.

Highlighting the broader impact of legal education, Mrs. Lulu-Briggs underscored its pivotal role in fostering civil society and addressing regional challenges such as those in the Niger Delta. “Lawyers are essential in upholding justice, defending rights, and ensuring accountability. By investing in legal education, we cultivate a society grounded in the rule of law and respect for human dignity,” she affirmed.

The foundation remains open to collaborations with governments, individuals, and corporations to expand its reach and impact further across Nigeria. “Through strategic partnerships, we aim to extend educational opportunities to more deserving students and contribute meaningfully to Nigeria’s development,” Mrs. Lulu-Briggs added.

As the ceremony concluded, the 59 scholarship recipients expressed gratitude for the life-changing support received. One of the beneficiaries, Miss Blessing Chukwu, shared her excitement and aspirations. “Receiving this scholarship and laptop means the world to me. With these tools, I am confident in making a significant difference in my community through my legal career,” she enthused.

The O.B. Lulu-Briggs Foundation’s annual scholarships continue to empower aspiring legal professionals from Rivers State, ensuring that Chief O.B. Lulu-Briggs’s philanthropic legacy endures, inspiring generations to come. Through their generosity, these scholars are poised to uphold justice, champion human rights, and shape Nigeria’s legal landscape for a brighter

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