LG chairman connived with PH magistrate to jail my clients – Lawyer alleges

Brave Dickson

The Bariere Thomas led-Khana council authority in Rivers State has been accused of conniving with a serving magistrate I. P. Iyiabo to jail some suspects currently in detention.

The suspects are Chief Dede Popnen, Chief Lekara Yoronee, Chief Monday Deewii, Barisulenua Nbala, Kaananwi Barisua and Dumbari Tee while others are still at large.

According to a four-count charge, the suspects are being accused of attempted murder as well as running an illegal motor park in Bori, the Khana Local Government headquarters without the approval of the state government.

Speaking with our correspondent, the lawyer to the accused persons, Barr Alero Adoki said, “I sensed some foul play when the presiding magistrate started dodging from hearing the matter.

“The magistrate has been skipping the matter on the course list and on the 8th of February I drew his attention to the matter and he told me that he does not want to hear a matter that will make the state government transfer him to a remote court.”

The lawyer further described the attitude of the court on the matter as injustice against justice.

Meanwhile, a youth leader, Beabubari Ndorbu of Kaani community where the suspects hail from had debunked the accusations slammed on the suspects.

He said the three chiefs were innocent persons who were sent by his community to help secure the release of the above mentioned three detainees at the Bori police station.

The youth leader further said trouble started when some Bori taskforce operatives stormed the motor park in order to arrest the youths which ensued into a fight, adding that no attempted murder was made.