Dress decently to avoid sexual harassment- lawyer advises female students

By Brave Dickson


A Port Harcourt-based legal practitioner, Odubeke Fidelis has advised female students to always be decent in their dressing to avoid sexual harassment from men.

Speaking with our correspondent, the legal practitioner said most sexually assaulted cases have their roots in indecent dressing.

He said, “Our female students, especially those in tertiary institutions should try as much as they can to dress decently in order to avoid sexual harassment from their lecturers.

“Whether in their classrooms having lectures, or going to meet with lecturers in their offices or anywhere within the campus; decent dressing is a precautionary measure that female students should adhere to.”

Odubeke also advised litigants of sexual assault to always have concrete evidence before approaching the court for justice.

He cited the recent judgment delivered by a magistrate court in Port Harcourt that discharged and acquitted, a university Don, Professor Ogbona of the rape charge, adding that the evidence in the case was not enough to convict the accused person.

According to him, “This is not the first time cases like this are coming to our notice. It is possible that most irresponsible lecturers might be doing this consistently and still go scot-free.

“Nigerians have to learn to know how these things work. Proven evidence is the sure way to win cases. A real victim may be crying in agony out there in a real case scenario and end up not vindicated because she does not have proven evidence to secure justice.”

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